Die Augen der Mumie Ma 1918

Drama Horror

A girl is kidnapped and held captive in an ancient Egyptian temple. She is rescued and flees to England, but soon finds that her mysterious captor is still haunting her.

Todos los títulos
  • DE: Die Augen der Mumie Ma Die Augen der Mumie Ma
  • BR: Os Olhos da Múmia Os Olhos da Múmia
  • DK: Orientens Datter Orientens Datter
  • IT: Gli occhi della mummia Gli occhi della mummia
  • PL: Oczy mumii Ma Oczy mumii Ma
  • PT: Os Olhos da Múmia Os Olhos da Múmia
  • RU: Глаза мумии Ма Глаза мумии Ма
  • ES: Los ojos de la momia Los ojos de la momia
  • US: Eyes of the Mummy Ma Eyes of the Mummy Ma
  • US: The Eyes of the Mummy The Eyes of the Mummy
  • : The Eyes of the Mummy The Eyes of the Mummy
Fecha de lanzamiento 25 Jun 1922
Enlace IMDb
